Convince Your Boss or Pastor to Come to #MCL2024

Hopefully the value of attending the Modern Church Leader Conference is obvious, but we get it... conferences are a big  investment. It can be difficult to convince your leadership to allow you to attend. Or maybe you need help convincing the whole team to come with you.

We've made it easy for you to communicate about the value of attending this new transformative gathering of church leaders. Just copy the letter below, paste it into your email and edit it as you see fit, then send it off to your pastor or boss.

Copy to Clipboard

Hey [Insert Name Here],

I would love to attend the Modern Church Leader Conference this year and wanted to have a conversation with you about it. I believe this conference could be very beneficial to our ministry, and the content aligns well with our goals and needs this year.

While I personally would like to attend, the most helpful thing about this training is that it’s designed for the entire team. There’s something for communications and marketing, for administrators and finance, and even a workshop track and experiences for executive and senior leaders. If our team goes, we can build stronger connections with each other but still split up and get practical solutions and training for our specific areas of ministry.

I like this conference because . . .

  • It’s focused on practical and engaging training, not just theory and hype
  • It has a diverse lineup of speakers, providing multiple perspectives
  • There are 40+ workshops to help us in all areas of ministry
  • We can meet other leaders and get new insights.
  • It’ll better align our team and vision

Here are just a few of the questions that we can get answers to by attending this conference:

  • How can we better utilize the technology we already have to be more efficient and effective?
  • How do we recruit and retain more volunteers?
  • How we de develop a better discipleship culture?
  • What are the latest cultural trends I need to pay attention to as we innovate our ministry?
  • How do we get new visitors?

If we register now, here’s what it would cost to bring the team:

Tickets – [Ticket Price] x [# of Attendees]

Travel – [Estimate Gas, etc.]

Lodging – [Estimate Lodging, etc.]


We can also bring up to 5 people for the same price, so it makes sense to bring the whole team. We’d also love it if you joined us! There’s even a special dinner just for senior leaders that I think you’d love to attend.

It seems like the perfect opportunity for me and our ministry team to grow. When I get back, I will be ready to share key takeaways, including practices we can start to implement immediately.

I would love to have a conversation about it. Are there any questions I can answer for you?


[Your Name]